

Original Title: China-Africa Forum: Xi Jinping Cultivates Image as ‘Defender of Developing Nations’
Summary: China is hosting its triennial Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, showcasing Beijing’s global clout amid growing tensions with the West. At the forum, Chinese President Xi Jinping has sought to portray his country as a defender of developing nations, capable of making the West listen to the concerns of poorer countries. He’s also tried to reassure African leaders that China is there to help, despite mounting criticism about its past lending practices and a perception among some African leaders that they’re being taken advantage of. As China faces a slowing domestic economy and accusations that it’s dumping excess products abroad, Beijing is more urgently seeking new buyers for its goods. Africa is seen as a key market. China has also shifted its approach to offering new aid to the region. Instead of large-scale railways and other infrastructure projects, Beijing is now emphasizing lower-cost commitments, such as training in digital skills — a boon to a continent with a large young population — and so-called “small and beautiful” projects. Critics say past forums have left African countries burdened with debt they can’t repay. (African countries are also heavily indebted to the World Bank and other international lenders.)

Original article: https://cn.nytimes.com/china/20240905/china-africa-summit/zh-hant/?utm_source=RSS