妈妈在 Facebook 露营度假诈骗中损失 500 英镑

一位名叫 Nicola Smith 的妈妈在 Facebook 上预订了一辆房车,但到达后发现它已经被别人使用了。她损失了 500 英镑的预订费用,提醒人们在社交媒体上进行预订时要谨慎。

## Original Title: Mum loses £500 in caravan holiday Facebook scam

## Article Content:

Nicola Smith booked the caravan on Facebook, but said that when she arrived it was already in use. She lost £500 in the scam. This incident serves as a warning to be cautious when making bookings on social media.

Original article: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cj4xkn5rq5zo