
賀錦麗和川普的副總統辯論將是美國政治中賭注最高的 90 分鐘之一。這場辯論可能讓賀錦麗獲得迄今為止最大的觀眾群,讓美國人對她作為總統的潛力有更多了解。川普希望重振他在經歷了艱難的夏季後搖搖欲墜的競選活動。這場辯論將圍繞許多關鍵問題展開,包括川普是否能控制自己的行為,賀錦麗如何應對川普的攻擊,誰將創造最具病毒式傳播的時刻,以及他們如何談論經濟和墮胎權。辯論的結果可能會對美國人民對選舉的看法產生重大影響。

Original Title: Kamala Harris and Trump Face Off: 9 Questions for the Future of America
Summary: The vice-presidential debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump will be one of the highest-stakes 90 minutes in American politics. It could give Ms. Harris her biggest audience yet, allowing Americans to learn more about her potential as president. Mr. Trump hopes to reinvigorate his struggling campaign after a difficult summer. The debate will focus on several key questions, including whether Mr. Trump will be able to control his behavior, how Ms. Harris will respond to his attacks, who will generate the most viral moment, and how they will address the economy and abortion rights. The outcome could have a significant impact on how Americans view the election.

Original article: https://cn.nytimes.com/usa/20240910/trump-harris-debate-abc/zh-hant/?utm_source=RSS